'A delicious and lip-smacking dish for all egg-lovers out there. ANDA GHOTALA Ingredients 4 eggs, boiled and peeled 4 eggs 4 tbsps butter + for toasting 2 chopped green garlic 4-5 green garlic stalks, chopped 1tsp garam masala powder ½ tsp red chilli powder, 2 medium onions, chopped + for serving 2 medium tomatoes, chopped + for serving ¼tsp turmeric powder 1tbsp coriander powder 1 tbsp pav bhaji masala Salt to taste 4 tbsps chopped fresh coriander + for garnish 8 pavs for serving Method 1. Hea t4 tbsps butter in a non-stick pan, add chopped green garlic sauté till golden brown.Add onion, cook for 2-3 minutes. 2. Add tomato, salt and cook till tomato is pulpy. 3. Add red chilli powder, turmeric powder, mix well, add pav bhaji masala, coriander powder, garam masala and continue to cook for 2-3 minutes. 4. Add ½ cup of water; mash the cooked mix using the back of a masher. Grate boiled eggs in the mixture, add little more water and cook for a minute. 5. Break eggs in the mixture and scramble them, add coriander, mix well and take the pan off the heat. 6. Heat butter in a non-stick tawa, place slit pavs and toast for a minute from both the side. 7. Place pav in a serving plate with chopped onion and tomato; transfer the andaghotala in a serving bowl. 8. Garnish with chopped coriander. Serve hot. Click to Subscribe: http://bit.ly/1h0pGXf For more recipes : http://www.sanjeevkapoor.com Best cooked in Wonderchef Kitchenware. Buy Now on : https://goo.gl/eB9kQq Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/ChefSanjeevKapoor Twitter : https://twitter.com/sanjeevkapoor #sanjeevkapoor #AndaGhotala'
Tags: Recipe , Chef , fast food , dessert , Cook , foodie , fat to fit , street food , RESTAURANT , simple recipe , CAFE , butter chicken , master chef , sanjeev kapoor recipe , indian cusine , wonder chef , style chef , cooksmart , hi tea , quick & easy recipe , smart chef , strater , anda ghotala , anda ghotala recipe , how to make anda ghotala , indian cusuine
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